Pack Rat Freezer Award

Woohoo, I won an award! No, it’s not a prestigious Bloggie or Food Blog Award. Instead, I’ve snagged the embarassing Pack Rat award, hosted by Tom at Confessions of a Foodie.

He said I won because my freezer has the previous tenant’s wedding cake. (Click the image for more detail.)


In my defense, my roommate’s cousin subletted her apartment to us. So we have be considerate of her things. You might recall a Seinfeld episode where Elaine gets busted for eating someone else’s wedding cake. Lesson learned: don’t touch the wedding cake, no matter what!

Here’s a stroll through the rest of my freezer. I’ve amassed so much stuff because:

  • I don’t eat a lot, so it takes a long time to finish food.
  • I buy in bulk to save money.
  • I bake a lot and preserve goods in the freezer.
  • I’m frugal. For example, I kept the gravy from my roast pork and saved office food that would have gone in the trash. I’ve also saved empty shrimp shells for one and a half years, telling myself I’ll make really good seafood broth someday.

Ready? Here’s the main cabin.

Close-up on the left side.

Freezer door.

If you think that’s a lot, there’s lots of stuff I couldn’t photograph because it was hidden in the back. I’ve also got blueberries, bananas, pureed acorn squash, lemon juice, lemon zest, chicken stock, ground pork and leftover wonton skins and probably stuff I forgot I even saved.

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  1. Clement said,

    Hi Jessica, congratulations! That’s incredibly impressive. I don’t even have half as much stuff in my freezer, and it’s like an avalanche whenever I open it.

    March 15, 2005 at 3:41 pm

  2. Nic said,

    I’m not sure whether to offer congratulations or sympathies, Jessica! I’m amazed that you can still identify the stuff in your freezer. I’m not sure I can say the same…

    March 15, 2005 at 11:54 pm

  3. Lynn said,

    Jessica, kudos to your organizational skills! It’s hard work.

    I’m actually very glad to see your post because just today when I opened my fridge, I thought it looked awfully dark in there. Then I realized that it was because all the food is blocking the light bulb. Now I don’t feel too bad!

    March 16, 2005 at 2:18 am

  4. Anonymous said,


    So organized and stacked compared to my fridge. I wish I had some of the stuff you have in your fridge in my fridge. -lance

    March 16, 2005 at 2:57 pm

  5. Lexy said,

    wow. Talk about saving food.

    and I thought I was frugal. You deserve a frugal award too.

    Anyway, Congratualtions. May this award bring you some happy days.

    March 16, 2005 at 3:07 pm

  6. Dreska said,

    Hehe, makes me laugh, this is what my fridge looks like (as it is too small). I still have it, but now with another one (same small size)and nothing has changed. Still packed from bottom up.

    March 18, 2005 at 4:18 am

  7. Santos said,

    i am completely in awe….

    March 22, 2005 at 11:15 am

  8. azon said,

    I’ve done the saving the shrimp shells thing. I was saving enough to make a delicious palabok, but eventually I had to toss the shells to make room for more stuff!

    May 6, 2009 at 7:20 pm